Mind. Body. Behaviour. Performance. Wellgevity.

Eat. Move. Feel. Connect.


Founded in 2020, The Nutrition Advisory Team brings together education and health professionals including registered nutritionists, food scientists, cognitive behaviour therapists, sports coaches, physiotherapists, and educationalists. We are dedicated to realising the whole school food approach in primary schools and improving education on the role of diet on mental health, behaviour, academic and physical performance.

The NAT: Core offer

The NAT has three key areas of focus:

Consultancy and school improvement work

We can support schools:

  • to review current policy and practice and write a critical evaluation with clear targets for future improvement
  • to create a whole school approach to food and draft a new food policy

With a national bank of qualified professionals, it is possible for schools to gain a healthy combination of tailored face to face and virtual learning.

Consultancy and Improvement Introductory offer: We will visit your school over 2 days to identify your current whole school food culture and provision, and work with key staff to understand future ambitions for food and nutrition education in your school. Together we will create a bespoke action plan to help you develop a healthier school community.

Outcomes: A report reflecting The NAT findings, and an action plan with clear, achievable targets.
Please contact info@thenat.co.uk to discuss your school's needs.

Kid playing with eggs
Teaching and learning resources for Key Stage 1 (aged 4-7) and Key Stage 2 (aged 8-11)

We are very excited to be piloting our teaching and learning resources for primary schools in nutrition education during 2023. Have a look at the information on Nutri-Kit.

Continuous Professional Development

We encourage schools to get the best out of their greatest resource, their own staff. By attending our bi-annual conference, teaching staff will have access to the latest scientific research and be able to hear from our experienced team of professionals alongside guest speakers on how children’s dietary choices can influence their health, behaviour, and performance and how we, as educators, can best support them.

Unique to Nutri-Kit, we signpost teachers with an aptitude for lifelong learning to key materials that will further their own understanding of food science.

We will also be training regional ambassadors for The NAT so that schools have someone in their locality who can answer questions and guide you through the resources available.

Contact info@thenat.co.uk if you would like to make an enquiry.

Kid eating a watermelon


Nutri-Kit: the nutrition education toolkit that promotes sustainable health choices to transform lives.

Informed by the latest published scientific materials and the workings of The National Food Strategy, The Broken Plate Report, and the globally applicable Sustainable Development Goals the NAT is developing a portfolio of primary school resources that are being piloted in Nottingham during the Autumn Term '23 and Bournemouth during the Spring Term '23.

Core to the Nutri-Kit learning materials is enjoyment through curiosity, exploration, and adventure. Children cannot fail to engage with the materials created as pupil voice has supported the development of these resources.

Acknowledging the wide range of proven learning formats, the resources include interactive learning platforms designed to offer face to face in-school taught lessons. The learning materials are supported by peer reviewed research evidence and recommendations from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines. They meet specific objectives described in current Science, Physical Education, Design Technology, Relationship Health and Sex Education, alongside sustainability education that considers both people and planet.

Strong concern: Diet quality can be linked to many common health problems, making our food choices an important detail in how we lead our lives.

Strong response: Food and science is a key component towards both physical and mental health. Nutri-Kit can equip your children with the skills to make discerning food choices and a greater understanding about their body’s response to food, to support them in creating positive life decisions.

Within our toolkit we have provided additional reading material for teaching staff so that their own knowledge and understanding can be enhanced. Accompanying each lesson are clear outline notes linked to each intended learning outcome signposting teachers to optional further reading and resources.

The Nutrition Advisory Team are also speaking with school food suppliers, developers, and catering companies to understand what they believe could further improve the health of primary school children and the school food environment. Working with a variety of stakeholders will ensure Nutri-Kit resources remains relevant and meaningful.


Our digital platform is currently under development.

Bo-Mi is an interactive APP that engages pupils in additional learning in nutrition education and food science at their own pace through a digital platform. Progress in learning is celebrated through accumulative icons that can be added to their shields.

Many studies in recent years have stated the merits of learning through computer games. The learning landscape is the human body offered as a virtual experience presented with animation.

Our ambition is that by the time children leave primary school they are able to:

  • understand that our brains and body are all about growth and change, to make sense of the complexities of the body and its response to food, empowering children to make meaningful choices,
  • understand that essential nutrients build, maintain, fuel, and repair the cells in our brain and body and that nutrition can support our neurodiversity,
  • understand the interconnectedness of physiological and psychological needs, with links to Abraham Maslow’s Theory,
  • appreciate food security, fair distribution, and availability of nutrition and how a sense of belonging, community and food security contributes to overall wellbeing,
  • have a greater awareness of how nutrition can support in the prevention and management of diseases,
  • learn how to create diverse and healthy meals from the garden and gain knowledge of how to create their own nutrition gardens,
  • enrich their understanding of cultural, religious and social aspects of food preparation, feasting, fasting to gain a wider understanding of how food can be celebrated and respected,
  • have a deeper understanding of the shared guardianship of the planet, appreciating the deep interconnectedness of what we do to the environment and its impact on the food we eat.
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Kids in the forest